Key Features
Short attention span
Too much attention on too many things
Easily distractible
Constantly ‘on the go’
Endlessly fidgeting
Forgetful or losing things
Finds it difficult to wait for his/her turn
Leads to underachievement at school
Impact on friendships and family functioning
Can be associated with sleeping difficulties, tics, learning difficulties, behavioural issues
Most children are diagnosed between ages of 6-12 years
And many other features
Management Options:
Provide you with a clear diagnostic report confirming or ruling out ADHD
Give you a detailed plan addressing all the needs of your child
Offer you information about local and national sources of support and information
Give you ADHD-specific non-pharmacological strategies
Supply you with behavioural and educational interventions
Offer of ADHD medications, if the above non-medical measures are not fully effective
You could use medical report e.g. to gain extra support at school, claim certain allowances
You will feel empowered from a holistic assessment and comprehensive plan of action
Present you with an option for follow-up
Follow up will be required if medications are started