Key Features
Development of motor skills follows a predictable sequence
Physical abilities are a manifestation of early development
‘Motor Delay’ refers to slow development of gross motor and fine motor abilities
Can be associated with delay in ability to sit, stand, walk, climb, grasp, write etc.
Could be secondary to several conditions e.g. isolated delay, global developmental delay, muscle problems, ataxia, cerebral palsy or musculoskeletal issues
Gross motor delays vary in severity and outcome
Signs of developmental delay may not be obvious
If you are concerned, seek help. Parents are likely to be correct majority of times
Motor delay could impact on other aspects of development, learning
Timely diagnosis leads to early intervention and better outcomes
Management Options:
Provide you with a clear diagnostic report confirming the nature and severity of Motor Delay
Early intervention helps child reach their full potential
Offer you information about local and national sources of support and information
Give you GM & FM specific educational and environmental strategies
Advice regarding review by other professionals e.g. Neurologist, PT, OT where required
Advice regarding further tests where required e.g. CK, TFT
You could use medical report e.g. to gain extra support at school, claim allowances/benefits, access early intervention resources
You will feel empowered to enable your child from this holistic assessment and action plan
Present you with an option for follow-up, if required